Rogers’ Rangers Bridge Between Lancaster, NH – Guildhall, VT
This project included the evaluation of rehabilitation or replacement of the existing US Route 2 Bridge over the Connecticut River, which is jointly owned by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) and the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans). The existing bridge, constructed in 1950, was comprised of two equal-span High Parker Through Steel Trusses with an overall length of 398’-0”. The purpose of the project was to provide a safe, sustainable, efficient and cost effective multimodal movement of people and goods across the Connecticut River while supporting transportation, commerce, economic development and regional emergency response needs for the communities of Lancaster, New Hampshire and Guildhall, Vermont.
Hoyle Tanner and our teammates at Normandeau Associates, Historic Documentation Company and Independent Archaeological Consulting, provided alternative evaluation, preliminary and final design services, NEPA documentation, utility coordination, Right-of-Way coordination, development of an Individual Inventory Form to determine the historic integrity and eligibility of the existing bridge, archaeological investigations, and permitting services to NHDOT for the replacement of the existing US Route 2 bridge over the Connecticut River. The new 400′-long and 47′-wide two-span welded weathering steel plate girder bridge, which is located approximately 50’ upstream of the existing bridge, is a modern structure that carries design loads greater than those used for the extant trusses. This bridge type eliminates the only vertical clearance limitation on US Route 2 within New Hampshire which is vital to the local, regional, interstate, and international movement of freight via the trucking industry.