Meeting Minutes for September 18, 2020
Meeting Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Day/Time: Friday (2:00 pm – 3:00pm)
In Attendance:
Bill Oldenburg, NHDOT (Chair)
Mike Long, MJ
Ted Kitsis, NHDOT
Alex Koutroubas, ACEC
Michelle Marshall, FHWA
Chris Mulleavey, HTA (Scribe)
Darren Blood, GM2
Marty Kennedy, VHB
Loretta Girard Doughty, NHDOT
Jim Marshall, NHDOT
CR Willeke, NHDOT
Unable to Attend:
Rob Faulkner, CHA
- Meeting Minutes: The meeting minutes from the last meeting were accepted.
- Assigned Scribe for Meeting: (DOT even months/ACEC odd months) – Chris Mulleavey
- Topics for Discussion:
- Partnering Meeting Oct. 2, 2020 – Agenda Discussion
- Bill O. mentioned training needs to acquire PDH’s have been difficult due
to Covid restrictions. ACEC mentioned that there are a number of
websites on-line that provide this service to engineers i.e. RedVector - Not a lot of ideas for additional agenda items other than standard updates,
Bill O. will also mention some issues they are dealing with for electronic
submissions in that consultants are password protecting their documents as
file as file size limitations. ACEC suggested that they develop specific
guidelines to be used for consultant electronic submittals. - Michelle M. suggested mentioning Everyday Counts Six is being rolled
out soon by FHWA.
- Bill O. mentioned training needs to acquire PDH’s have been difficult due
- Winter Conference Jan. 15, 2021 – Agenda Discussion
- The conference is planned to be virtual at this time
- Bill O. will reach out to Kevin Nyhan for environmental topics, mentioned
Permit requirement updates and MS4 as possibilities.
- Tech Conference April 2021 – Discussion
- Hope to have conference in person but will have backup plan for virtual
meeting. Bill O. and Alex K. to get the committee together to start
- Hope to have conference in person but will have backup plan for virtual
- Consultant Selection Manual – Update Status
- No change from last meeting Bill O. working out kinks for on-line version
and then submit to Contracts sub-committee for review of updates.
- No change from last meeting Bill O. working out kinks for on-line version
- Partnering Meeting Oct. 2, 2020 – Agenda Discussion
- Status of Subcommittees:
- Consultants Contracts Subcommittee (Darren)
- Standardized Scope of work/Fee Matrix: Darren reviewing with
Committee. - Darren thanked Loretta for volunteering staff to write up sections which
will speed up the process. Working on Part A will review at next meeting
scheduled for Oct.1, 2020 then onto Part B.
- Standardized Scope of work/Fee Matrix: Darren reviewing with
- Bridge Subcommittee (Loretta)
- Design Manual Update -Held meeting Friday Sept. 11.
- The Updated Manual is being reviewed internally.
- Estimating Committee is developing a guidance document for estimating
projects. - The Bridge Sub-Committee notes can be viewed on-line at the NHDOT’s
- Design-Build Manual (Loretta)
- Is complete and going through internal review process. Once complete
will be posted on NHDOT’s website for consultant’s use.
- Is complete and going through internal review process. Once complete
- Highway Subcommittee (Jim Marshall)
- Design Manual update – Committee will be meeting in 2 weeks, working
on design submission checklists and aligning them with standardized
scope, design manual chapter 8 revision is with Policy and Records then
onto FHWA. - “Working on Design Report to document from beginning to end”
- Design Manual update – Committee will be meeting in 2 weeks, working
- Consultants Contracts Subcommittee (Darren)
- LPA Topics (CR W.):
- DOT managed on-call solicitation out also evaluating Pre-Qual list that
Municipalities can utilize for consultant selection for LPA. - Working on a lot of procedural processes in the background for LPA.
- Planning on LPA training virtually in the November/December time frame.
- DOT managed on-call solicitation out also evaluating Pre-Qual list that
- Other Items:
- Question raised from Mike L. regarding proper invoicing around the DOT Fiscal
year ending. Bill O. That the only fiscal year ending that needs to be adhered to is
the DOT’s which ends June 30th. The DOT cannot pay an invoice the spans two
Fiscal years. Ie. June 30 is the stop then new Fiscal year begins July 1.
- Question raised from Mike L. regarding proper invoicing around the DOT Fiscal
- Next Meeting – Thursday, October 16, 2020