Every employee of an ACEC-NH member firm is eligible to receive the privileges and benefits of membership. This includes attending members-only events, accessing members-only pricing, receiving members-only communication, and joining/ chairing committees. ACEC-NH spends a significant amount of effort, monitoring, evaluating, and testifying at the New Hampshire State Legislature on issues that effect the business and professional interest of Consulting Engineers. We are currently utilizing the service of Dennehy & Bouley of Concord New Hampshire for our full time legislative monitoring activities.

Intangible Benefits

Noteworthy Relationships: Building relationships with other ACEC-NH members, agency liaisons and other industry organizations creates strong and powerful teams when competing for projects.

Membership Matters: Consulting engineering firms that are focused on prosperity understand investments must have a beneficial return. Belonging to ACEC-NH  – the industry’s premier business organization – is an investment that can further your business and enhance the capabilities of your employees.

Direct Financial Value: ACEC-NH member firms receive an average 23-times return on their membership investment by engaging in Council programs and leadership; involving employees in high-impact committees; and taking advantage of proprietary access to state and federal agencies, educational opportunities and member discounts.

Access to Information and Resources: There is financial value in having easier access to information and knowledge that has been researched and vetted by the Council, as it saves time and resources.

Industry Prominence Through Association: Member firms must abide by a strict code of ethics and professionalism.  Members are among the leading experts in the industry and are often the first to be called upon to provide expert opinions and testimony on legislation, redefining agency contract language or addressing complex issues that face firms virtually every day.

  • Association and affiliation with engineers to enhance engineering presence in the marketplace and promote engineering business interests.
  • Interchange of ideas and problem solving with peers in management.
  • Recognition of your firm and key individuals in the firm in the engineering professions.
  • Professional development.
  • Promoting and maintaining an ethical environment.
  • Benefiting from the power of group activities, i.e., Qualifications Based Selection, lobbying, etc. on national, state and local level.
  • Programs for decision makers that may influence projects from an engineering viewpoint. (Externally focused programs)
  • Promote engineering aspects of local projects to community.

Tangible Benefits

Participation in ACEC Trusts (limited to Firm Memberships only.)

ACEC Life Health Insurance Trust: Disability, medical (including managed indemnity plans, PPOs, prescription drug card program, vision plan), life insurance and AD&D coverage. Cafeteria plans available. Administered for ACEC by Healthplan Services, underwritten by Trustmark. Call 1-888-813-7099. Term care through LTC  Financial PartnersNOTE: ACEC-NH does not condition membership on any health status-related factor relating to an individual, including an employee of any employer or a dependent of an employee.

ACEC Business Insurance Trust: Property, general liability automobile, workers’ compensation and umbrella liability. Contact Jeff Connelly, Greyling program manager at 833-223-2248.  Administered by Greyling Insurance Brokerage & Risk Consulting .

ACEC Retirement Trust: Tailor your plan with your choice of investment managers, record-keeping services, employee investment education and a variety of plan options such as profit sharing plans. 401(k) and money purchase plans. Administered for ACEC by Great-West Retirement Services. Call 1-800 521-9463.

Additional Tangible Benefits

  • Discounts on rental cars, office services, etc.
  • Peer Review.
  • State and federal legislative activities on tort reform, liability, wage and hour, OSHA, procurement and many other issues.
  • Training through seminars, courses, conferences and publications.
  • Information from newsletters, magazines, books, etc.
  • Availability of coalitions to pursue special issues.

Some opportunities for our membership are:

  • Participate on committees, task forces, etc., particularly those which appeal to your interest.
  • Contribute to meetings with input on topics that benefit consulting engineers.
  • Interacting with members and discover common interests.
  • Enhance the image of ACEC of New Hampshire so that members and non-members will view it as the organization they need to belong to.
  • Improve our collective presence in the marketplace as a major contributor to an improved quality of life as impacted by our work.

Membership Eligibility

Any consulting engineering firm with at least one principal who is a Professional Engineer (PE) or Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) licensed in New Hampshire is eligible for a Firm Membership. Other companies/organizations that provide services/products to the consulting engineering industry are eligible to become an Affiliate/Associate Member.

Application Process: Download, complete and return the appropriate membership application to the ACEC-NH office. The staff will present your application at the next monthly meeting of the Membership Committee, which makes recommendations for approval to the ACEC-NH Board of Directors. Once the board has approved your application, your information will be entered into Council’s database and your membership will be activated.

Dues Calculation
Your Firm Membership dues includes ACEC-NH and ACEC National dues and are determined based on the average number of employees reported to the Council as the total number of regular (non-overtime) hours for which all employees (salaried or hourly engineering and non-engineering in the U.S. and abroad) are paid by your firm on an annual basis divided by 2,080 (i.e., 40 hours multiplied by 52 weeks). Please note this number is based on all employees for your firm not only engineers. These numbers are reported upon your initial application and may be updated for recalculation each July when the new annual dues cycle begins. (NOTE: Membership in ACEC National is required with each Firm Membership.)  Membership Application.

Your Affiliate/Associate dues ($1,000 annual fee) include membership in only ACEC-NH. Affiliate members are not eligible to vote, hold board positions or participate in the ACEC Trusts. Otherwise, affiliate members are eligible to participate in all other benefits, including members-only pricing, committee/committee chair positions and more. Effective 9/1/2024.

American Council of Engineering Companies of New Hampshire

  • Creating Opportunities for Business Development
  • Getting Back to Business Basics
  • Creating a Legislative/Regulatory Climate That Promotes Quality Design