Strafford Square Intersections Improvements, Rochester, New Hampshire
The Strafford Square intersection had long been one of the City’s highest priority transportation projects. The complex, confusing, and unsafe intersection served as the westerly gateway into downtown Rochester. The original layout involved several smaller intersections which created numerous conflict points leading to driver confusion and hesitation when traversing the intersection, particularly from Washington and Walnut Streets. The confusion distracted drivers from recognizing and responding to pedestrians and bicyclists, making it a dangerous and difficult area for all users. The need to improve intersection safety was particularly important as there are often pedestrians and bicyclists in the area accessing the Holy Rosary Parish, the nearby schools, and downtown Rochester. This intersection was noted in the 2019 City Transportation Master Plan as the one with the greatest need for improvement.
The project included the construction of a modern multi-lane roundabout; relocating the aerial utility lines underground; new stormwater infrastructure including an underground infiltration system, water and sewer utility upgrades and replacements; and new ornamental street lighting, Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at the multi-lane pedestrian crossings and landscaping. Stantec collaborated with Roundabouts and Traffic Engineering (RTE) to develop the design of the new roundabout and associated improvements. RTE had been working with City, peer reviewing other alternatives at this location and had developed the initial layout of the multi-lane roundabout. Stantec worked with RTE to refine the layout and incorporate the other project elements into the full design package. Also contributing to the project team were Independent Archaeological Consultants (IAC) for archaeological documentation, Preservation Company for historic documentation, and WSP for survey services. The project has improved safety and capacity for all users and created an inviting gateway for the City.